Episode 82: Jules Kim

JulesAn afternoon chat with my friend Jules Kim who was visiting Richmond from her home in NY. Jules is a Richmond native who has been hustling in New York for about 15 years now DJ ing in clubs and developing an international jewelry brand Bijules that can be seen accessorizing some notable celebs who I won’t go so far as to name drop now, but I’m sure you can find evidence to back this assertion up online. Jules is one of my favorite people who I haven’t managed to connect with beyond social media until the Monday after Mother’s Day and I was pleasantly surprised to find what has previously made us friends was as intact as ever. Truly a Tantric Conversation if there ever was one. Ecoutez.

Episode 81: Jason Alley


Jason has contributed a great deal to this town, there’s no denying that,  and he’s done it while being widely regarded as a mensch. There are few people that I am as happy to see at random in public. Jason was an early supporter of this podcast when I still thought I’d ask others to support it instead of supporting it myself. His restaurants Comfort and Pasture are favorites of mine and have helped to put Richmond on the culinary map while still being accessible to all and welcoming to all regardless of foodie obsession level. What more can I say that won’t be covered in this 2 hour podcast? Dig in.