Episode 59: Eric Manweller

Eric Manweller
Eric Manweller is an art teacher, painter and also the leader of Eric Hunter and the Distractions. When I met him he was in Peru and we haunted the same haunts and he was always good for some pub talk. I invited Eric to be on the cast aware that he is playing music but mainly because I remembered we’d always had good chats whenever we ran into each other. This was no exception. We kept rolling after the mics were off and it was a reminder for me that even if no one listens to these at all it’s a damn good excuse to hang out with great fucking people for an hour or so.

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Episode 58: Chip Cosby

ChipfernoChip Cosby is a musician and teacher of religious studies at VCU. I met him years ago when he first started dating his wife and she thought we’d hit it off based on the kind of thing we get into here. At the time I was not anywhere near the level of literate that he was but since then I have caught up a little bit, at least what I lack in scholarship I make up for with enthusiasm. This is maybe literally a tantric conversation so strap in..

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Episode 57: John Bryan

John Bryan
John Bryan is the newly retired president of Richmond’s Culture Works. Over the last six years he has played a role in creating a process by which the ephemeral can be supported, valued and connected in a town which has had a tough time being all that appreciative of its home grown talent. I could say more but the man covers it thoroughly himself over the next hour and a half so put it in your ear-holes.

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